Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy Trails Chucky

The Buccaneers, of whom I am a huge fan, have decided to cut John Gruden the hell out of their general collective. When Scotty the Handicapper called me up to let me know this, my response was, “Nice.”


‘Cause fuck him, that’s why.

Gruden brought us a Super Bowl with what was essentially Tony Dungy’s team and philosophy. The idea behind John’s hiring was that the team was good enough to win it all but they weren’t motivated. And Chucky can motivate.

Only problem is that he can’t actually coach.

This year, the Bucs’ defense gave up an average of eleven points a game until defensive genius Monte Kiffen said he was quitting. As a result, the defense quit and started giving up points like they could trade losses in for gold. The Bucs collapsed down the stretch and even though they needed only one win in their last four games to get in the playoffs, failed fucking miserably (they even lost to the Raiders).

And Gruden sat back and watched the whole thing unravel without changing a freaking thing.

So fuck John Gruden, the horse he rode in on, anyone who gave the horse water or gave him directions along the way and (while we’re at it) the makers of all the Chucky movies.

As for a replacement, I’m hoping for Shanahan.

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