Saturday, January 17, 2009

So You Don't Drink Every Day

Well, we do. And we've already started. DD brought his laptop into the pub because we cannot go full geek without him. I just wanted to post because everyone else was doing it and I'd like to point out the difference between the way DD and Scotty bet. DD is a fundamentalist, meaning that he focuses mainly on team perfromance. Scotty is a technical better, meaning that he focuses more on the line movements. I feel you need to know this. I also feel you should know that DD is fat and Scotty is ugly.

Scott is so ugly that he goes out of his way to dress in mismatched clothes so no one notices that he makes Julian Tavarez look like Ben Affleck (spelling?).

DD is so fat that his doctor measures his BMI in acres.

Anyway, I'm going back to drinking...

Oh, and making fun of each other on line is more fun than in person, which is weird because most everything else is more fun in person.

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