Monday, January 19, 2009

Why this blog needs a lady like me

It troubles me, as I watch Bear Grylls purposely putting himself inside of a Canadian glacier to show you how you survive if ever stranded on a Canadian glacier, that men consider themselves the "superior" species. Let's be honest, when in the hell will ANY of us be flying over the Amazon any time soon? Do we really need to know how to saute a boa constrictor? I think not.

This is why I prefer catching my daily dose of testosterone from something that doesn't leave me scratching my head at the end of the day and thinking, what in the hell were they thinking. I enjoy every and any sporting event where even I can tune out the idle chit chat of my female companions. Don't get me wrong, I love my Jimmy Choo's as much as the next girl, but Jesus, sometimes it even makes me want to hang myself. You wish your girlfriend could be this cool.

I'd rather spend my Saturday afternoons with a beer, some wings, and a football, basketball, or baseball game, whatever season we may be in. I thoroughly enjoy anything and everything sports. I love watching it. I love talking about it. And I really enjoy making the opposite feel stupid when they talk to me like I don't have a clue when it comes to sports because I have a vagina and I'm pretty. I'm an anomaly - no idea where it came from or why. But it happened, so here I am. I just hope I can add some insight, reason, and class into what will be, no doubt, a testosterone laden, ball-busting, shit talking kind of blog. I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Spoken like someone who's never been abandoned in the Amazon and had to eat Boa constrictor without the benefit of butter.
