Monday, January 19, 2009

They Say Purple Signifies Royalty

I just paid $144.95 to be groped by a possibly gay, definitely effeminate male at a formal wear place because Scotty McCappinstein is getting married and I am part of the wedding party. My groomsman duties apparently entail wearing the kind of purple that only Prince could love (thanks, buddy—if I ever get married, you’re wearing something pink).

Anyways, I noticed something while at the tuxedo shop. They sell Buccaneer cufflinks. And we’re not wearing them. Don’t ask me why. Ask Scotty (note: Scotty will post more when he figures out blogger and I have no idea when that will be).

Now, effeminate tuxedo shop boy also told me that the cufflinks are a huge seller (in addition, he told me that I should be very proud of the fact that the difference between the length around my shoulders and the length around my waist is more than twenty inches—seriously, just a gay gay gay moment all around) but that somehow, one of the more diehard fans of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers will not be wearing Buccaneer cufflinks when he signs his life over to the woman he loves.

That, like so many other things probably happening in that tuxedo shop, is just wrong.

Anyway, Dirty Dave, when you go to get fitted, watch out for Bill. And definitely close the door when you change. I think I saw homeboy try to sneak a peek.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thanks for the advice. I will not let Bill next to Dick. You know why we are not wearing them. NOT ALLOWED.

  3. $144.95 thats cheap compared to what you normally pay for a strange guy grabbing your johnson, isnt it?

  4. Just wanted to let everyone know that Scott the handicapper is a little slow. It may be months before he posts unless one of us is there holding his hand.(sounds like a job for Nate and Bill)
